Great Deals

Welcome To Tasty Habits Deals Shop

Great Deals and free deliveries or shipping. Check this page from time to time to get the latest discounts and promotions

Individually Packaged –> Safe Sharing

At Tasty Habits Chocolate Shop we have individually wrapped or sealed chocolate pieces for safe sharing.

Given the current circumstances resulting from COVID-19 we have introduced chocolate boxes and baskets that have chocolates individually wrapped and sealed so they can be shared among groups of people safely and to make the sharing experience as ‘touchless’ as possible.

Please note that you still need to follow recommendations and guidelines by health and local authorities.

Special Deals

For Your Easter: Buy 5 Large Premium Chocolate Bars and get one Free!

Buy 5 Get one Free Large Bars

Get a free large premium chocolate bar when you buy five bars. Add a tasty surprise to your stockings!

Easter Bunny and Eggs

Safe Sharing: Buy Individually Sealed Premium Quality Chocolate Eggs

Chocolate Eggs

For a limited time get box of individually sealed Eggs made of top quality chocolates for safely sharing, gifting, or for the just having fun!

Easter Bunny and Eggs

Come Visit us!

Or Shop Online

We are at Saskatoon Farmers Market every Saturday and Sunday (Check Famers market for working days/ hours)