Chocolate Bars Bouquet


Premium chocolate bars wrapped in elegant bouquet. Select from a variety of chocolate types. Its not only the great looks! It is also great tasting premium chocolate bars made by Tasty Habits. A perfect love expression gift.

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Premium chocolate bars wrapped in elegant bouquet. Select from a variety of chocolate types. Its not only the great looks! It is also great tasting premium chocolate bars made by Tasty Habits. A perfect love expression gift.

This bouquet comes with 5 small bars and one large bar elegantly wrapped. You can select up to two type of chocolate for the bonbons. Tasty Habits will pick a variety of mixes and stuffing based on your selection. If you like plain or specific mixings you can let us know in the ‘Notes and Instructions’ field when ordering.



Suitable for Valentine gifts or any love expression occasion.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 50 × 50 × 50 cm